How to Play
The first person to defeat their opponent’s Hero wins!
Players take turns attacking each other's Attackers, Defenders, and Hero. Each turn consists of 3 "phases."
Draw Phase
Begin each turn with 5 cards in your hand.
Action Phase
Perform up to 3 actions. An action can be:
Discarding and redrawing a card.
Placing a card on the playing field.
Removing a card from the playing field.
The playing field consists of these slots: 4 Attackers, 2 Defenders, 1 Spell, and 1 Trap. You can place Creatures as Attackers or Defenders, and Spells and Traps in their respective slots.
Attack Phase
Read your cards' abilities and perform any eligible actions. Then, use your Creatures to attack your opponent's Defenders. Once both Defenders are defeated, you can strategically choose to attack your opponent's Attackers or Hero.